
Large Potential: Most Swedish Companies Do Not Reuse Their IT

News 5 September 2024 2 minutes reading

Glada människor på kontor.

More than half of all Swedish companies store their old IT products instead of recycling or reusing them, according to a new study by Mantap Global conducted on behalf of Dustin. "This shows that there is a large untapped potential among Swedish companies," says Patrik Isberg, business manager at Inrego.

1,800 IT purchasing decision-makers in the Nordics and Benelux were recently asked how they handle their decommissioned IT, and more than half responded that they choose to store the products rather than reuse or recycle them.

Earlier this spring, Inrego released a similar study conducted on Swedish municipalities, and it produced similar results. It revealed that a large proportion of municipalities store, donate, or scrap their IT products instead of selling them on. Around 20% of municipalities scrap parts of their used IT products when they no longer have use for them, and over 80% have not contracted any take-back service. This means they do not ensure they get market value for the products.

The benefits of taking back and reusing IT equipment are numerous. It helps reduce electronic waste and the hazardous materials that can harm the environment if not properly handled, and it also reduces the need to manufacture new products, saving significant amounts of raw materials, energy, and water, thereby lowering carbon emissions.

“In many cases, we’re talking about millions in value that ends up lying dormant instead of being converted into money that can also drive reuse. If we could get all the equipment that’s unused or about to be replaced, we could positively impact all three dimensions of sustainability,” says Henrik Nilsson, founder and CEO of Inrego.

From a security perspective, the safe handling of old IT products also reduces the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. By sending equipment to Inrego, companies can be assured that all data is securely erased and all identifying marks are removed to ensure complete anonymity. The products that can be reused are refurbished and given new life, while other equipment is responsibly recycled. Within 30 days, you receive a certificate of data erasure and market value payment for your products.

Book your secure cabinet for the collection of your used IT today!