
How to Use CO2 Figures from Inrego

News 5 September 2024 4 minutes reading

glad kontorskvinna i utemiljö.

All customers who collaborate with us make carbon dioxide savings in one way or another. However, understanding and using the numbers yourself is not always easy. Here we explain how you can communicate your positive climate work within IT and how you can use the figures in your climate reporting.

When you buy or rent products from us, sell your used IT, or use our analysis model for climate calculations, you gain access to a range of positive emission figures linked to your IT management. We refer to these figures as climate savings, as they show how many kilograms of CO2 equivalents your organization has avoided thanks to your collaboration with Inrego.

How we calculated your climate savings figures

The figures have been produced and calculated in collaboration with the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, which, together with us, has developed world-leading environmental reporting for reuse. With this, we can measure exactly how much CO2 is saved when we reuse computers, smartphones, and other IT products.

Furthermore, U&We, on behalf of Inrego, has calculated all our emissions according to scopes 1, 2, and 3 since 2021. These calculations are based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Standard (GHG), allowing us to identify and map emissions generated during the refurbishing process itself.

IVL’s calculation model, combined with Inrego’s climate calculations under scopes 1, 2, and 3, forms the basis for the figures you receive when you collaborate with us. We conduct these calculations both for ourselves, to systematically work on reducing them, and for you – so that you can easily work on reducing your carbon footprint and communicate your climate savings.

How to use the CO2 figures for products you buy from us

By purchasing refurbished instead of new products, you reduce your climate impact. According to a study on Swedish service organizations conducted by Climatehero on behalf of Inrego, about 12% of a service company’s total climate impact comes from the electronic hardware they purchase. By buying refurbished, you can reduce your climate impact by over 85%, thereby reducing your scope 3 emissions. When reporting according to CSRD, you can include your now lower IT emissions in scope 3 compared to purchasing new products.

How to use the CO2 figures for products you sell to us

When you sell your IT products to us, we ensure they can be reused. This way, you help avoid the emissions from a new product, as the next user can buy a refurbished product instead of a new one. As much as 80–95% of emissions from an IT product occur during the production phase – so your contribution makes a significant difference in reducing IT’s climate impact. Read more about how we calculate avoided emissions here.

Strengthen your organization and increase customer satisfaction with sustainability communication

Companies that work circularly with their IT management have increased customer satisfaction by 56%, according to a study on sustainable IT by Capgemini. Additionally, they found that brand and ESG work strengthened by as much as 61% among companies that manage their IT sustainably. We want to help you communicate your sustainability efforts both within your organization and to your customers.

Here are our best tips on how to promote your sustainable IT work:

  • Use our new social media kit with pre-written texts and images for you to use when you want to communicate your sustainable IT efforts. The kit contains plenty of material tailored for LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

  • In the customer portal, you can access fresh statistics from your sustainable IT efforts. We also show you your reuse rate, how many units you’ve sent in, and we compare your numbers with concrete, tangible examples, such as how much that equates to in heating apartments. Perfect to use in internal newsletters to describe your sustainable IT efforts!

  • Each year, we send out a certificate with your saved CO2 figure, which you can share within your organization and with your customers with just one click. It’s an excellent opportunity to summarize the year and tell the world about your commitment to a sustainable future. For larger customers, we also provide a customized report to share with your organization.

Do you have more ideas on how you would like to communicate your climate figures? We are always interested in collaborations and innovative projects that can strengthen your position in the market. Don’t hesitate to contact our marketing department today!

Isabell Millestu
