
Refresh IT

Vi hjälper dig att få ut mer av IT-produkterna ni redan äger.

Does your IT start to slow down? Maybe it's time to Refresh!

At Inrego, we offer the Refresh service - an opportunity to get your own devices back reconditioned and upgraded for continued use in your own organisation. Also with the possibility of an extended warranty.

We have an in-house reconditioning and upgrading service at our premises in Täby. Thanks to this, we minimise transport and environmental impact, while maintaining security.

Extending the life of a computer and giving it a second life reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 109 kilograms. That's the equivalent of running a refrigerator for ten years. By using your own equipment for longer, you can count the full environmental savings.

How does it work?

Order an Inrego safety cabinet in the same way as you would for a normal IT equipment take-back. The cabinet is filled with the equipment to be refreshed and picked up by Inrego's logistics partner.

The basic service involves functional testing of the product on arrival at Inrego, factory recovery and security erasure of all storage media using certified erasure software. The equipment is then thoroughly cleaned inside and out.

In addition, we can replace parts and carry out upgrades as agreed. For example, battery replacement if battery capacity is below 75%, replacement of keyboard, mouse pad or monitor, upgrade to more RAM or change from HDD to SSD. Even when replacing and upgrading parts, lifetime extension is a good deal both economically and environmentally.

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