
Demirok visits Inrego: Large-scale circular business model challenging new production

News 21 August 2024 2 minutes reading

Centerpartiets partiledare Demirok i Inregos produktion i samtal med Inregos VD och grundare Henrik Nilsson. Båda bär gula säkerhetsvästar. Produktionsmiljö med datorer i bakgrunden.

On August 15, Muharrem Demirok, leader of the Swedish' Center Party, visited Inrego’s facilities in Täby. This visit provided Inrego with the opportunity to demonstrate how the circular economy works in practice and how it can create new jobs and competitiveness.

During the tour, Demirok received an in-depth look at Inrego’s solutions and processes for reusing IT hardware on an industrial scale. As a company entirely built on a circular economy model, Inrego serves as a living example of how such businesses can operate effectively.

"Innovations are what will drive the transition to a circular economy, and they don't have to be solely technological—political or business innovations are equally important. This is a business innovation, and it's what takes it to the next level—transforming something that already exists into something new. I’m really excited about this," said Muharrem Demirok.

Sofia visar del av dator för centerpartiets ledare Demirok. Hållbarhetschef Sebastian och VD Henrik står i bakgrunden och ler.

He also noted that it is impressive to see the scale of Inrego's production, which shows that circular business models can compete with traditional new production. "This is exactly what is needed—good examples when discussing the circular economy.”

Inrego’s Sustainability Manager, Sebastian Holmström, appreciates that circular economy is being highlighted on the political agenda.

“There are challenges with circular business models, so we’re pleased that circular economy issues are being addressed at a high political level. By being a profitable company scaling a circular business model, we want to lead the way for others. The circular economy not only benefits the environment but also creates jobs, and that’s something we want to continue.”

Inregos Hållbarhetschef Sebastian Holmström i produktionsmiljö, berättar om Inregos cirkulära affärsmodell.